The Southern Baptist Convention has sets aside the month of January as Sanctity of Human Life Month. Southern Baptist churches across the nation will recognize this event in a variety of ways. However, simply setting aside one month a year is not nearly enough. We should use every peaceful means possible to stop this most horrible act of violence against the most innocent and helpless among us. If not, then we (and that includes all Christians) have blood on our hands as surely as those who work in and support the abortion industry. The most powerful weapon we have in the fight for life is our vote. Yet most professing Christians vote their wallet rather than biblical principles. Our 401K is more important to us than the life of these defenseless children.
Minority groups in our nation want more legal rights. The unborn want only one right. Gay couples want the right to same sex marriage. The unborn only want the right to live!
These are bizarre times when those who march in the parade to save the whale are also saying kill the baby. Nazi Germany's mass murder of 6,000,000 Jews under Hitler pales in comparison to the more than 50 million babies aborted since 1973 in the United States. Truly, we have lost a generation through mass murder, infanticide or more correctly, convenience killing of the unborn.
How can we answer the call of our nation to fight terrorism if we ignore the greatest act of terrorism in all of history, 3,846 abortions daily. The most dangerous place in America is in the womb. And everyone knows it!